The vision of Pentis development

Good morning gamers, artists and coders :)

Here I am posting my vision of my second game Pentis. There is also the idea of a story behind the game. 

In the Year 2314 when cooperatives are responsible for the sytsem of education and a cooperative like the SAA  (Sustainable Architects Association) or the BBB (Building Blocks Brigade) is developing educational games. 
And one of them, Pentis, uses pentominos as building blocks to provide an effective educational method to teach children spatial conditions and symmetric proportions. So they can become highly qualified architects later on.

Because this is what a city may look like in the year 2314. A medium-sized one:

City skyline in the year 2314

What do you thing ? Tell me in the comments, please like and subscribe !

next steps:

Highscores are safed in a public server

Keyboard controlled menu for options and management of highscores

Gameplay check: Reasonable and elaborate point- and level system 

Game story for start- and end-Screen

Synthesizer Sound FX

Game-Website with highscore list

Esc function asks for a "really quit game(y/n)"

Pentomino preview bug fixed

Fast "pentominoe-down" function

Highscores are safed in a file

convert .py to executables for OS X and Linux

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